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Free Personal Ads Megafriends. Browse through thousands of free personal ads from the comfort of your home. Our dating service offers many features for everyone internationally to meet their mate or just make friends. Have you ever watched the blind dates show, and wondered what those guys are thinking when they say and do really dumb stuff? Like on blind date, online dating relies heavily on the first impression. So, to avoid that blind date show hell, here are some tips that will show off your better side when you write your ad. If you are taking this business of finding a mate seriously, you should spend some time to compose your free personal ad. Your personal ad is all that you have to introduce you to the reader. You only have so much space to make an impression. If you don't put some thought into it the reader will be able to tell that you just tossed together some stuff in a hurry. Then go and take some time to type your message into a word processor. That way you can work with the ad and refine it. Once you are satisfied with it and you have spell checked it, surf back and post your ad. Let your personality out. A personal ad can take many forms. Write a poem, a story, or a riddle perhaps. Blow them away with an ad consisting entirely of movie titles, one after another that describes you. If you're not from Nantucket, try writing a limerick. So why go out of your way to try to find someone when you can sit back and relax as a potential mate starts talking to you. With the numerous members at Megafriends. And remember, posting your personal ad is FREE!

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